Brief History:
I have included only a few items concerning the history of this empire. A good source for more details can be
found on Wikipedia or in history books.
This Bronze Age civilization flourished between the 27th and 15th centuries BC on the island of
Crete. Modern scholars associated
the mythology of ancient Athens with the ancient
palace at Knossos, including a labyrinth designed
by Daedalus. According to legend, King
Minos kept a Minotaur
(part man; part bull) in the labyrinth.
Minoans became a major seafaring power and traded extensively with Egypt.
They stored goods in large pithoi (pottery jars) or shipped them
abroad. Their warriors controlled sea lanes to
maintain security for the empire. Minoans also were famous for religious
bull dancing
(See Additional Picture). The
women wore open-front, fancy dresses and
Often congregated in palace courts.
Circa 1700 BC a major earthquake destroyed multiple palaces, including those at Kato Zakros,
Knossos, Malia and Phaistos.
Minoans quickly rebuilt and made the palaces sturdier. Another quake in 1600 BC struck a Minoan community on
Thera and a stronger one in 1450 BC caused a tidal wave that swept
through the Aegean Sea, possibly a reference to the destruction of Atlantis.
Knossos was left intact and
exerted greater influence on Crete. In 1420 BC a Mycenaean
invasion ended the Minoan civilization.