Nazi German Empire      
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(Text by Duane R. Hurst © 2013)

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Significant Event:
    Battle of Britain
    Holocaust (Slaughter of Jews & Others)

Main Cities: Berlin
Time: 1933-1945 AD
Language: German
Personage: Joseph Goebbels; Herman Göring; Adolf Hitler
Religion: Atheism; Christianity
Related Country: Germany

Brief History:
      I have included only a few items concerning the history of this empire. A good source for more details can be found on Wikipedia or in history books.

Map of Nazi German Empire
Click Map to Enlarge
      Adolf Hitler, a megalomaniacal and charismatic leader, usurped control of Germany with the help of his Brown Shirt paramilitary goons (officially called Sturmabteilung or "SA"). He received early financial support from British socialist Roundtable members and turned a failed Weimar Republic into a fascist totalitarian state. Former World War I general, Paul von Hindenburg, appointed Hitler as Chancellor of Germany on 30 January 1933 and Hitler became dictator on 2 August 1934 AD. A national referendum on 19 August 1934 confirmed him to be the sole Führer (leader). Hitler was the illegitimate son of Baron Rothschild of Vienna.

      Nazis initially improved living conditions and economic stability through military spending and public works, such as an extensive autobahn (highway) network. The party encouraged racism and anti-Semitism, foolishly claiming Germanic Aryans to be a master race. Eventually, the regime instituted mass extermination of communists, gypsies, Jews and other undesired or opposition groups.

      In 1938 AD, German troops moved into Austria. Hitler claimed the German-speaking Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia the following year (and later seized the whole country in March 1939 AD). British Prime Minister, Neville Chamberlain, bowed to Hitler and claimed to have achieved "peace for our time." His cowardice encouraged further Nazi expansionism. On 1 September 1939 AD, Hitler and Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union invaded and partitioned Poland per a secret agreement, which also granted the Baltic States to the Soviets. Prior to the invasion, Britain promised to aid Poland.

      On 27 September 1940 AD, Germany signed a Tripartite Pact with Fascist Italy and the Japanese Empire. Hitler's forces expanded rapidly throughout Europe, often relying on Blitzkrieg (lightning war) tactics. This was highly effective in bypassing the stationary Maginot Line in northeast France. Combined German forces sped through Belgium and the Netherlands to occupy Paris on 14 June 1940 AD. Many British and other allied troops at Dunkirk escaped aboard a motley British fleet. The Battle for France lasted only one month and 12 days before the French surrendered. Nazis installed a puppet Vichy government.

      British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, vowed to resist Hitler at all costs. The Battle for Britain was fought largely in the air. British Hurricanes and Spitfires fought German Stukas, Messerschmitts and other aircraft from winning the air war, despite devastating destruction from their bombs. Although Nazis could not defeat Britain, they conquered the Balkans and Greece in 1941 AD.

      Field Marshal Erwin Rommel conducted a highly successful campaign in North Africa with his Afrika Korps. Major actions were at Gazala, Kasserine Pass and Tobruk. In November 1942 AD, Rommel lost the Second Battle of El Alamein against British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery.

      On 22 June 1941 AD, Hitler launched Operation Barbarossa, a full-scale invasion of the Soviet Union. Initially, German troops occupied Baltic states and the regions of modern Belarus and Ukraine. The advance stalled at Moscow and Leningrad, which Hitler ordered destroyed and all people massacred. Soviet troops suffered huge losses, in part due to Stalin's purge of experienced officers. German forces finally withdrew after suffering defeats at Kursk and Stalingrad. Massive infusion of American material and weaponry aided the Soviet defense and counter-offense.

      Following a Japanese surprise attack against Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941 AD, the United States declared war on Japan and other Axis powers. President Franklin Roosevelt emphasized defeating Germany and Fascist Italy. Military leaders and the public pushed for war in the Pacific simultaneous with the European front. Key commanders in the European theater were Dwight Eisenhower; and George Patton. Significant U.S. battles in Europe included: Operation Torch; Sicily invasion; Italy invasion; D-Day invasion of France; Operation Dragoon; Battle of the Bulge; Germany invasion.

      American economic and military aid turned the tide against the Nazis. Allied bombers also destroyed many German cities. On 20 July 1944, Hitler survived an assassination attempt and ordered the execution of nearly 5,000 people, including the forced suicide of Field Marshal Rommel. During the Battle of Berlin, Hitler reportedly committed suicide in his bunker. Reliable sources later posited that he escaped to Paraguay. Surviving Nazi commanders surrendered or escaped to South American nations, particularly Argentina and Uruguay. Unfortunately after the war, corrupt American officials and internationalists brought many Nazi scientists under Operation Paperclip to work on secret projects in the United States.
      Reportedly, many U-boats harbored in Norway transported Hitler and Nazi personnel from Europe to a base in New Swabia, that Hitler ordered built in 1938-1939 AD. During operation Highjump in 1946-1947 AD, German UFOs soundly defeated a task force under Admirals Richard Byrd and Chester Nimitz. (NOTE: Reality of the Haunebu II flying saucer is such that you can buy a model of it today.)

© Page Publisher: Duane R. Hurst