Method Three for Murder
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Story Information:
First Composed: 1960
First Published: 1960
From Collection: Three at Wolfe's Door
Location: New York City
Wolfe's Brownstone: Click to View Floorplan

Victim #1: Phoebe Arden (in NYC taxi)
Murderer: Mrs. Irving
Motive: Frame Mira Holt for murder
Weapon: 5" knife (in chest)
Client: Mira Holt
Fee: $50 and Archie does not quite his job

Story Synopsis:
      Archie Goodwin quits! This fast-paced, unusual adventure quickly unveils murder and adds new twists to the Stout repertoire. Nero Wolfe "consults" with Archie on the case in an effort to regain his trusted assistant. Wolfe pronounces the culprit to be the most cold-blooded in his experience. As a sidelight, a female cabbie slaps Inspector Cramer in the old brownstone office.
Method Three for Murder
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© Page Publisher: Duane R. Hurst